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Avoid The Consequences of Driving While Intoxicated

One of the worst decisions that many individuals make each and every day is to get behind the wheel of an automobile after drinking alcohol. While one may believe that they have the strength or experience to handle themselves after a night out on the town with friends, when you put yourself at risk you not only create a dangerous situation for yourself, but you may also ruin your life and the lives of countless others who are on the road as well.

When it comes to drinking alcohol, even the smallest amount can impair your judgement in detrimental ways. The more that you drink, the more likely it is that you will decide to go against your better, calmer judgement and possibly grab your keys – even when a sober version of yourself would never imagine doing so!

As the alcohol content in your blood rises, it drastically slows your mind’s ability to concentrate, as well as your body’s coordination. When behind the wheel – especially when driving in difficult conditions such as bad weather or at night – intoxication can cause you to respond less quickly and potentially injure yourself or others.

However, even if you avoid being involved in a wreck due to intoxication, those who drink and drive may find themselves on the wrong side of the law. Across the country, police officers are increasingly trained to watch for the signs of intoxicated driving. When there is probable cause to believe that a driver is impaired, they will not hesitate to get them off the road, and into an expensive pair of handcuffs. Driving after drinking can lead to fines, arrest, and the loss of your license.

The Long-Term Impacts Of Drinking & Driving

Not only can drinking and driving have tragic impacts on your life and the lives of those around you, but there are long-term effects that can haunt you for years.

If you find yourself facing legal action due to drinking and driving, you may face repercussions that can impact your ability to maintain a license. Receive enough DUI charges, and you will likely find yourself paying massive fines or facing jail time – both of which can leave permanent stains on your record.

In the most tragic instances, those who drink and drive may find themselves involved in accidents that can drastically impact their lives and the lives of others involved. Accidents that are caused by impaired driving can leave you with lifelong chronic injuries, as well as financial ruin as you pay the price for the injuries of those involved in the accident you caused. If your negligent behavior causes disability or death, you will likely face jail time – which will not only ruin your life, but can cause you years of heartache and pain.

The best way to avoid the above nightmare scenarios is to simply choose not to drink if you know that you will be required to drive a vehicle to get home. If you do choose to drink, decide ahead of time to have a sober friend give you a ride, or take advantage of ridesharing programs. The minor inconveniences in the moment can save you – and countless others – from a lifetime of hardship and regret.

Don’t Face Being The Victim Of A Drinking & Driving Accident Alone

The risks involved with drinking and driving far outweigh the benefits of enjoying a drink and getting behind the wheel. Yet every single day men and women across the globe choose against their better judgement and choose to engage in dangerous activity that puts everyone around them at risk. Even if you choose not to drink and drive, you may end up as a victim of another individual’s poor judgement.

If you are the victim of a drinking and driving-related accident, it is important that you work with a legal team that has experience helping those involved in personal injury accidents. At Reeder & Nussbaum, our team works hard to ensure that our clients achieve what they deserve when their lives are impacted by drinking and driving. We obtain BAC records and in many cases can seek punitive damages for our clients.

As Florida’s premier personal injury law firm, we have years of experience working with victims of various injuries to help them receive the financial outcomes that they need. Want to learn more about our personal injury attorney services? Contact the team at Reeder & Nussbaum today to discover more.