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Take These Steps Immediately If You Are Involved In A Drinking & Driving Accident

Being involved in a drinking and driving automobile accident can be a traumatizing experience. From the emotional toll that a wreck involves to those physical impacts that you may feel immediately or weeks after, a car accident can throw your normal life into an unexpected tailspin.

At Reeder & Nussbaum, our team of skilled personal injury attorneys works with car accident victims daily, fighting to help them receive the best financial compensation possible to help them move forward toward healing and recovery. However, some of the worst accident cases we work on involve individuals who are impaired by drinking alcohol.

Drinking and driving accidents ruin not only the lives of those involved but can impact the families of victims for years. In the worst cases, death can occur and drivers can find themselves facing years of jail time and regret.

If you are involved in an accident where drinking and driving are involved, the steps you take immediately following the event are crucial. Not collecting the right information or seeking medical aid can come back to haunt you when you pursue necessary legal action. At Reeder & Nussbaum, our mission is to help Florida residents know exactly what to do should they find themselves in a drinking and driving situation.

car crash involving drinking and driving6 Steps To Take If You Are Involved In A Drinking & Driving Accident

1. Remain Calm & Seek To Get Everyone To Safety
Immediately following a car accident, it is essential to remain calm. This may be difficult in the aftermath of a traumatic experience, but calming yourself down is important for making sure you can record the necessary accident information and speak with the authorities clearly.

Once you are able to take a look at your circumstances, make sure to get anyone in your vehicle to safety. If they are able to move and remove themselves from the vehicle, immediately move to the shoulder or an area away from traffic to ensure your safety.

2. Immediately Call The Authorities
Once you are in a safe location, immediately call 911 and report the accident to the authorities. Request that medical aid is sent regardless of whether or not the operator asks, as it will be essential that a medical professional takes a look at everyone involved.

3. Remain At The Scene Of The Accident
In the chaos and confusion following an accident, you may be tempted to leave the scene to find help or contact someone for aid. However, it is vital that you remain at the scene of the accident. Anyone who was involved or may have witnessed the accident should stay at the scene as well until the proper authorities tell them it is okay to leave.

4. Avoid Confrontation With The Other Driver
If you suspect that the driver may be under the influence of alcohol, you may be tempted to become angry or frustrated and confront them about their actions. However, it is much safer if you avoid direct confrontation with the driver. Allow law enforcement to arrive and lead you through the process of relating the details of the accident. They will have a better ability to handle the drunk driver should they become agitated or attempt to flee the scene.

5. Take Pictures & Videos Of The Accident
In today’s world of smartphones, it is easier than ever to record events in real-time. In order to ensure that you have all the true and accurate details for future recollection, take pictures and video of the accident if you are able to operate your phone. Record information such as license plates, street names, and the names of those involved in the accident – all information which may prove essential in prosecuting your case later.

6. Contact Your Personal Injury Attorney
Once the authorities are finished handling the scene of the accident and give you the okay to leave the scene to take further steps, it is important to call a personal injury attorney. Let your attorney know what happened, and allow them to guide you through the next series of steps that you should take to ensure that you are able to prosecute to the full extent of the law.

A personal injury attorney will be helpful in walking you through the steps you should take, especially if you find yourself shaken or confused. They will help you to collect information, contact the proper authorities, and take the next steps to begin opening insurance claims as necessary.

The team at Reeder & Nussbaum is known across Florida as a leading law firm prosecuting drunk driving accidents. Don’t allow the chaos of the moment to keep you from receiving the financial compensation you deserve as a victim. If you would like to learn more about Reeder & Nussbaum’s full personal injury law services, and to discover more helpful content just like this, visit us online today.