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What Can I Expect At a Car Crash Case Deposition?

When you are involved in an auto accident, it is likely that you may experience a form of personal injury. Whether your injury is physical or emotional, the effects of an accident can leave you in a vulnerable position financially.

One of the first steps you should take after your accident is to speak with a trained and qualified personal injury attorney. While the process of following through the legal proceedings of an accident is fairly straightforward, it is essential that you retain legal guidance to make sure that you are not missing out on any necessary reparations that may be due.

As part of the legal process for your claim, you will likely be required to attend one or several depositions in which you will be questioned regarding accidents and other elements related to the case. Having the right legal representation can help you understand the best course of action for following through on the legal process for your case.

If you are in need of expert legal advice in the St. Petersburg area, contact the law firm of Reeder & Nussbaum, P.A. Our team of experienced and skilled personal injury attorneys is trained at with working through the particulars of personal injury cases to ensure that you and your family receive the best care and representation needed during this difficult time.

Wondering what to expect at a personal injury deposition during car crash case, here is a short guide to help you prepare:

What Is A Deposition?

During a deposition, the parties have a right to question each other regarding the events that took place. A deposition is where those questions are asked an answered. The questions are answered under oath, and will be recorded by a court reporter, for use when the case comes before the jury.

During a deposition, it is vital that you remain calm, answer honestly, and remain transparent about what occurred during the accident. To help you avoid putting yourself in a compromising situation when answering questions, a personal injury attorney can help you understand your rights, as well as the best ways to answer during questioning.

What To Expect During A Deposition

While depositions typically take place in person, the increasingly digital world has allowed depositions to take place via online conference calls and other digital methods. During the deposition, your personal injury lawyer and the other party’s lawyer will be present, along with a court reporter who will record the proceedings.

Prior to the beginning of the proceedings, you will be administered an oath to tell the truth under law – anything you speak from that point on can be used against you should it be revealed to be false or misleading. This is unique, due to the other party’s lawyer often seeking to ask questions that will undermine or confuse your memory of the events.

Once the questioning is finished, a record of the proceedings will be provided to the court, as well as to each attorney to review prior to a case going before the judge for consideration.

Wondering what questions you may face during your deposition? The questioning will vary depending on your role in the accident. If you caused the accident, you can be sure that the attorney will work hard to ask as many questions that can lead to a harsher judgment against you – ranging from whether or not you were distracted or impaired, to any past history of accidents or reckless behavior while driving.

If you are the victim, the opposing attorney may seek to ask questions that will lessen the judgment against their client. It is vital that you work closely with your injury lawyer to prepare for any and all questions, ensuring that you are prepared when it comes time for your deposition.

Before You Act, Reach Out To A Personal Injury Attorney You Can Trust

At Reeder & Nussbaum, P.A, our team is committed to helping clients successfully navigate all manner of legal proceedings and has the expertise to give you calm and confidence in your deposition. To learn more about the personal injury attorney services at [name here], contact our team today for a free consultation. You won’t pay a dime in fees unless our team is successful in helping you obtain financial restitution for your accident.